Shine your

Diamond Light

• Brilliant

• Honest

• Conscious

• Committed

• Fearless

• Community

• Willing

• Brilliant • Honest • Conscious • Committed • Fearless • Community • Willing

Empowering your journey of awakening

Coaching & Mentoring

Inspiring Events

Authentic Community

Special Ceremonies

A deeper yearning is emerging

Do you hear your heart calling you to grow deeper, live more authentically and shine more brightly?

Ignite your Diamond Light

Awaken purpose

Uncover your purpose and shine your diamond light

Navigate change

From workplace entry to empty nesting, move through life changes with resilience

Milestone readiness

Prepare for life milestones, and emerge to a new expression of you

Join a tribe of

Sparkling Lights

Living in this time of pivotal change, many of us are heeding the call to go deeper, listen wiser, and emerge stronger. Your incredible brilliance is needed at this time.

Join a community of light shiners, so we can shine brighter together. Hear first about upcoming gatherings and events to help you ignite your light.

Leave a little sparkle wherever you go