Bring your

Heart’s Vision

to Life!

Ignite Your Life Retreat

Nobody wins by playing small. You were meant to shine brighter, go bolder, and break the mold.

  • You may have put your heart’s calling on the back burner to take care of family, responsibilities, and the seemingly endless tasks to keep your life on track.

  • Do you hear that singular gnawing whisper from within saying time and time again, "There is more to your life than this"?

  • And yet, you ignore this and bury your unique magic to fulfill all the mundane tasks that are expected.

Now is the time to step into a life where your special energies are fully engaged, and where you get to be 100% supported in living the life of your dreams!

It’s time for you to shine your light, and thrive!

Ignite Your Life Retreat: Bring Your True Vision to Life!


  • Exercises to clarify your purpose

  • Group coaching

  • Authentic discussion

  • Life-path meditations

  • Immersive mind-body integration


  • Small group for intimate support and community

  • Exercises personalized to your life path

  • Healing nature connection

  • Welcome gift!


  • 3 days, 2 nights

  • Upscale retreat center

    Small group - max 30 participants for personalized support

BONUS Options

  • Mini-Life Path Readings: laser focus on your specific inner gifts, clear resistance, and fast-track to your fulfillment!

  • Dreamweaver Booster Package: targeted follow-up sessions to further integrate and build momentum to bring your true vision to life!

Are you tired of playing small on projects that feel unfulfilling?

  • Do you grieve the loss of a more idealistic you, who felt called to something bigger?

  • Are you so busy building other people’s profits that you don’t have the juju to devote to your true work?

  • Do you feel that your true passion isn’t valued or understood by those around you?

  • Do you long to connect with others who see a larger picture of how life can be?

  • Are you tired of following the mold to achieve the outer “perks” of success?

  • Do you feel there is so much more you are meant to do with your time and life?

  • Do you feel stuck in a role that sucks the magic from your soul?

  • Are you doing unfulfilling work that pays your bills but leaves your soul parched?

  • Are you tired of spending your precious time building other people’s visions?

    Have you lost your “why” as you climb higher on the corporate ladder?

  • Are you tired of playing small and on projects that feel unfulfilling?

  • Are your true gifts unexplored and dusty from disuse?

Activate your mission - your light is needed now!

Imagine This…

  • You wake up excited for the joy you get to experience and share!

  • You are giddy in making the difference you are meant to make

  • Your livelihood (aka career, passion, mission) expands your growth and aliveness

  • Your have life balance i.e. travel, loving friends, joyful partnership

  • You choose your income level and create your pathway to achieve it

  • Your time is devoted to projects and experiences that truly serve your deeper heart’s magic.

  • You invest in projects that light your heart on fire

  • You create the path to work less and earn more

  • You set your schedule based on your inner wisdom

  • You live from integrity with your inner purpose

  • You take the time to replenish yourself

  • You feel grounded and supported

  • Your work and life are aligned

  • You go to bed at night with a satisfied smile, knowing you make a difference!

The time is now to build the life where you shine!

Life Path Maverick

I am a guide that works with people to live more authentically and abundantly. I inspire mission-driven people to align with their inner knowing, and to ignite their own light. I am skilled across healing modalities, including being a CTI-trained coach and certified Intuitive Practitioner.

My story

I have been where you are, seeking a way to live with deeper authentic purpose…many times.

One of my earliest major life transitions was leaving a stifling orthodox home in my teens to venture into a new (uncertain) less traditional path. I dove deep into how to build a life that was both authentic and meaningful. Over time, I found new strength through diving into spirituality, meditation, and channeling.

Later, as a struggling single mother juggling four jobs to pay the bills, I sought a way to live where I could do what I love - creative play and inspiring people in their growth - while still thrive. I yearned to be able to do the work of my heart while also providing for my family.

In each of these transitions, while scary and unsettling, there were gifts. I found a deeper sense of meaning. I explored how I could live with greater authenticity and connection. Specifically, I was aligning with my deeper mission for being on the planet.

For me, my heart was calling me to share my true gifts. I yearned to connect people with their own soul’s wisdom and remind them of their magnificence. I learned that my path is to guide people to ignite their inner spark as a path to deeper joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

“I just walked away feeling energized and full of love. It was so beautiful to connect with other like-minded people and grow this tribe..”

-Melissa Moon, Moon Healing Studios

How does the program work?

This personalized program meets your where you are and is customized uniquely to YOU. You will:

  • Gain greater clarity on your life mission

  • Clear internal resistance

  • Reclaim a greater sense of purpose

  • Know next steps to bring your vision to life

“Alisa’s work supports me not only in tapping into my own universal wisdom, but also in connecting authentically with others on a similar path of awakening.”

-Jeanette, Fall 2023 event participant

  • Clarify Your Vision

    Let’s define where you want o go!

  • Meet Your Shadow

    Face what’s holding you back

  • Align with Power

    Connect with the strength you need to create your bad-ass vision

  • Take the Leap

    Integrate your learnings and define your next steps

Activate your soul gifts and talents to align with the larger awakening occurring on the planet!

Is this program for you? It is if…

  • You know it is time to fulfill your mission on the planet

  • You may want to offer a healing modality, support clients in embracing their magic, or encourage people to walk through their shadows to reclaim their wholeness

  • You are a mission-driven lightworker, empath, or healer who is ready to take your next major step to launch your true work in the world

  • You are tired of working for others on soul-sucking projects

  • You are ready to thrive by aligning and sharing your true gifts

  • You desire to align your livelihood more firmly with your soul’s mission

  • Your spiritual path has expanded. You yearn to share with others the gifts that have helped you more deeply align with your heart

  • You are willing to bravely step forward to activate your heart’s calling

  • Even if a high performer in other work, you may still feel an ache to make the impact that is yours alone to make

  • You have a wellspring of wisdom to share with others, and are ready to express these insights now

It is NOT for you if:

  • You are comfortable with the status quo of your work and life right now

  • You don’t have the time or focus to invest to create a shift in your life to align with your mission

  • You are doing deep inner work where you need time to clarify other aspects of your life before you infuse time in activating your soul mission

  • You aren’t willing to see what needs to change to allow for a larger vision in your life to emerge

  • You have other priorities and don’t have the focus to invest in this transformative step right now

  • You are not willing to risk the fear of what others might think if you follow the path of your heart

You may have heard the famous quote from Mark Twain that, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Your soul’s mission is calling you to throw off the bowlines. Don’t wait twenty years to take the steps you need to craft the life that fills your heart with joy NOW. You deserve to wake up inspired and to be supported on every level. This program is here to help you move through any doubt so you can trust and ignite your own capacities and potential.

Activate your thriving soul aligned, mission-driven life today!