Angel Walks!

Are you looking for greater clarity?

An Angel Walk provides you with a guided experience where you can intentionally connect with nature, your body, and angelic wisdom.

Angels may be closer than you think. Spending this time to unwind and listen deeply to the earth, your body, and angelic guides supports you in a refreshed outlook, insights, and deeper peace as you return to your everyday life.

How do Angel Walks work?

Angel Walks provide a gentle, healing experience to support you in tuning in more deeply to the rhythm of your own body, heart and mind.

Through the intentional guidance of connecting with the earth and the angels that choose to walk with us, we are led to answers to the questions that may feel out of reach otherwise. You can receive clarity of mind, peace-filled insights, and the deep presence of the nurturing earth below your feet.

Together, we walk with clear intention and mindful presence to hear what most is ready to emerge, to support us in every area of our life.


What: 1 to 1-1/2 hour group guided walk

Focus: Bring an open heart, as we intentionally connect with nature, our bodies, and the angelic wisdom.

When: Monthly

Where: Local nature areas

Cost: Typically $30 for this intentional, healing journey

Bonus! For greater angelic support, simply add on a mini Angel Reading ($30 for 20 minutes) and you will receive a personalized channeled message. This will increase your inspired insights and answers to your specific life questions!

Sample Angel Walk

Moving from Fear to Love

The focus of this Angel Walk is on walking through fear and stepping forward with courage. Archangel Michael will be with us with key insights and love to encourage our bravery as we move forward to effectively manifest our lives and true heart’s desires.

An Angel Walk can calm your spirit and refresh your mind with new insights and “a-ha” inspirations.  You may walk away with greater wisdom and a recognition of what you are learning through a tough or challenging situation in your life. Or you may leave with a fresh perspective on how best to navigate your life in alignment with your soul’s calling.

Angels are messengers of the Divine. They provide insights, support and love, every step of the way!

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