Our Offerings

Dreamweaver Coaching Program

Bring your true calling to life!

Living from your true purpose is something many of us long for.

As mission-driven people, we are well equipped to make a difference through expressing our unique gifts!

How do we find the path forward, however, when we have the laundry to take care of, the kids to feed, and rent or a mortgage pay?

You can have a life of both purpose and prosperity!

Leverage the Dreamweaver Coaching Program to commit to your own life, and take a major leap forward in your mission-infused livelihood, career shift, or spiritual business.

The time is now…your gifts are ready!

Boost you into your next level of soul-aligned living and growth!

Inspiring Events

Grow your brilliance with a tribe!

Connect with like-minded lightworkers as you delve into the wisdom of the ages in accessible ways. Join us for our special events designed to build inner empowerment and community!

Spiritual Entrepreneur Series: Align your Gifts to your Clients - Learn more!

As healers, we are masters at sharing our heart-led work to create more love and peace in the world. How can we do this while we run a profitable business? Leverage this series to align your spiritual gifts with proven business practices such as brand and vision strategies and goal mapping. In addition, we blast through deep unconscious patterning that keeps you from the results that you truly deserve. This series offers these effective tools from a spiritual lens, so that you call in clients that not only honor you and your work, but also pay you what your worth!

.Find out more!

Ignite Your Life Retreats- Learn more!

Do you feel stuck in a role that sucks the magic from your soul? Do you yearn for every area of your life to support your purpose and magic- not just the in-between moments? Nobody wins by playing small. You were meant to shine brighter, go bolder, and break the mold. This retreat is designed to help you clarity your vision, clear the resistance, and define actionable steps to bring your powerful mission to life…faster!

You have the power to bring your bad-ass mission to life! Get busy and birth your true magic NOW. Your soul is leading you to share your gifts, talents, and vision in ways that support the larger awakening occurring on the planet. Find out more!

I am walking away with more confidence in myself and trusting my gifts. This circle even gave me a boost and excitement around some new skills and gifts. I look forward to more events facilitated by Alisa. She is amazing.
— Melissa, Moon Healing Studio

Accolades from recent Gratitude Energy “Sampler” Gathering- Thank you!

Thank you for those who joined with other lightworkers, healers, and empaths to sample healing modalities by local practitioners!

“The Gratitude Energy "Sampler" Gathering was such a great place to connect with other healers and feel at home in my being. I felt understood by those that attended and could just be myself without worrying about how I was perceived. The space was absolutely gorgeous as well and I would definitely like to return for future gatherings. 💖” - Cynthia Soszka, Web designer

“This energy sampler event was pure Joy! Alisa and Leigh created a safe and fun space where we all were led through meditations, sharing, an amazing heart-opening cacao ceremony, and joyful drumming, not to mention the most delicious vegan/gluten-free snacks. It was a wonderful afternoon, where heart opening happened, and deep connections were made.” - Jennifer Bloomer, Singer/Songwriter

“I just walked away feeling energized and full of love. It was so beautiful to connect with other like-minded people and grow this tribe.” - Melissa Moon, Moon Healing Studios

Learning and practicing a new skill can be intimidating, but Alisa has a gift for putting people at ease, building our confidence, and helping us connect on a deeper level.
— Chuck P, workshop participant

Authentic Community

Connection, support, and collaboration inspire deep growth and transformation. When we are on a path of rapid growth, however, it can seem that those we once resonated with somehow have lost their sparkle.

In one of my recent blogs, I share three tips to help you navigate this awkward patch when we the older connections no longer serve us, and the new ones have yet to emerge. Read more about key ways you can build your own mission-aligned tribe in this blog posts, 3 Tips to Create Authentic Community.

Join our online Activate Your Soul Mission…and THRIVE! Facebook group to access tools, resources, and exclusive events to align with your mission, awaken your magic, and activate infinite support as you bring your heart-based dreams to life! 

If you are local, please join our Northern California Conscious Community to meet like minded souls at upcoming intentional hikes, coffee chats, and more. This is a powerful way to connect for mutual support, camaraderie, and encouragement along the path!

Alisa’s work supports me not only in tapping into my own universal wisdom, but also in connecting authentically with others on a similar path of awakening.
— Jeanette, Fall 2023 event participant

Join our community

Keep your spirit sparkly with the inspiration in our monthly newsletter PLUS stay up to date on upcoming workshops. events, and more!

Special Ceremonies

Sacred moments in life

Honoring important milestones ought not be overlooked. Our lives are built less ofdays and more of moments. The moments that transform us, that bring us to new chapters of experience, are worth acknowledging and celebrating.

Invoke the wisdom that we can bring to imbue your life moments with sparkle and grace.

  • Blessings on a new place i.e. land, home or office

  • New Baby welcoming a child to the family

  • Rites of passage i.e. graduations, quinceañera, bar and bat mitzvas

  • Weddings & commitment ceremonies to bless this union

  • Milestone birthday i.e. 21, welcoming a new decade (30, 40, 50…)

Shine bright - the world needs your light!